Looking for teaching or relieving jobs in Early Childhood Education? We can help.

Jitbug is a specialist ECE recruitment agency. We connect ECE teachers like you with ECE centres across NZ. Whether you’re starting your career, ready for your next exciting move or looking for relief teaching work, let’s chat.

  • We offer the most competitive pay rates in the market.

  • We have placed over 100,000+ permanent and relief teaching ECE staff across NZ.

  • Whether you're Qualified or Unqualified, we have ECE job opportunities for you.

  • Our ECE consultants will help you get the work you want.

ECE Jobs We Can Help You Get:

  • Early Childcare Jobs

    Jitbug are in contact with a large network of Early Childhood centres with many Early Childcare jobs on offer. We have a range of well paid roles, with part and full time ECE vacancies available.

  • ECE Reliever Jobs

    Looking for more flexible work as an ECE Reliever? We can help both qualified and unqualifed ECE staff find relief work that suits their schedule, with great pay.

  • Nursey and Daycare Jobs

    Jitbug are in contact with a range of centres that are hiring daycare teachers and daycare assistants just like you. Contact us today to express your interest in our daycare and nursery jobs.

  • Unqualified ECE Jobs

    Jitbug recruit unqualified ECE teachers everyday! If you're looking for an unqualified early childhood job or are an unqualified relief teacher in Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch, we can help you get work.


How it works

  • Start by registering your interest to get ECE work. Simply submit the form.

  • One of our ECE employment consultants will get in touch.

  • We complete a 7 point safety check as per the VCA 2014.

  • We will book an online interview with you and sort out the paperwork.

  • Job done. You can start work 😊


Hear from the people who have found work with Jitbug.

  • My experience with Jitbug has been very nice. I've had the flexibility to choose the work that I want and it has opened new opportunities for permanent full time employment in the centres. Thank you Jitbug!

    Alonso, Auckland

  • I would highly recommend Jitbug as it helps me to connect to relief teaching jobs across Wellington, it gives me the flexibility to work according to my university schedule whilst earning competitive hourly rate.

    Carol, Wellington

  • I chose to work with Jitbug as a reliever because of the flexibility of work and the option to work at multiple centres. Overall, my experience as a Jitbug reliever has been rewarding and has also opened doors to more full time work.

    Gillian, Wellington



How much do you get paid?

We offer our kaiako competitive rates in this field, recognising their dedication and commitment as early childhood teachers. For more information, please contact our area managers.

Where can I start?

Once you have completed the onboarding process you can start booking your first ECE job whenever you like using our Jitbug App.

How long are shifts?

A shift could be anywhere between 2 to 8.5 hours, depending on the centre's requirements. We will let you know how long the shifts are before you apply.

I am not trained - can I still relieve?

Yes, you can still relieve but as an unqualified reliever. However, we require that you have previous ECE experience along with any relevant work references.

Can I choose the days I work?

Yes, absolutely!

Do you offer part time and full time roles?

We offer both.

Do I need previous work experience to get started?

We require that you have experience in early childhood education and have relevant work references.

Do I need to be qualified or unqualified?

We help you get both qualified and unqualified ECE jobs.

What does a normal day at an ECE job look like?

It will vary depending on the centre's needs on that day. As a reliever, your main role is to support the centre and their teaching staff in any way you can. No two days are the same which is one of the benefits of relieving.

How much is an unqualified ECE teacher’s salary in NZ?

The average unqualified ECE teacher salary in NZ for someone beginning their career can vary from $46,000 to $54,000 depending on experience. Contact Jitbug to find out more using the form below.

How much does it cost to register as an ECE reliever with Jitbug?

Its free!

What is relieving with Jitbug like?

ECE relieving is a good way to see how childcare centres operate. Also, to immerse yourself with different early childhood education teaching practices and philosophies.

Do you have any Auckland ECE Vacancies?

Yes, we have a range of Auckland ECE vacancies waiting to be filled. We are always on the look out for motivated qualified and unqualified ECE teachers. If this sounds like you, please fill out and submit the form below.

early childhood teacher job with young boy on park bench
Auckland Kindergarten Association Central Kids Kindergarten Waikato Kindergarten Association Life Childcare Junior Junction Spotted Frog Preschool Little Wonders Lollipops Bright Stars Childcare Centre Smartkids Educare The Miller Nest